Friday, February 19, 2010

I must confess

I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to write on my blog.  I have kept wondering why it is so difficult to write on this blog.  I have tried for so many years to ignore the pain and accompanying suffering.  I have really never shared my illness in any depth to anyone, on a very personal basis, other than my husband Larry.  My children have a pretty good idea but they don't live with it like Larry does.  A couple of my closest friends found out I was going to California to see Dr. St. Amand.  They asked my husband what was going on.  They had no idea that I was in pain 24/7.  Hopefully that is good because I have never wanted to hang this on my friends nor my family.
Also, another reason I haven't posted on my blog is I felt I needed to tell anyone that read this what Dr. St. Amand's treatment is.  It is so simple but yet complicated.  So.....I have decided that if someone wants to know all the details, they can go to his website or buy his book.  As for me, right now, I am mostly concerned with my progress in healing.
When on Dr. St. Amand's treatment, guaifenesin, it is expected that within a time, the fibro pain will worsen up to 6 to 8 times worse than normal.  That pain is a sign that your body is dumping extra phosphate out of your cells.  I have been on the treatment 18 days.  The osteoarthritis pain in my hands aand feet has been much worse.. Other than a couple of fairly nasty days I haven't had any extreme pain. Today, while putting things away, I got hit with a pain in my hip that ran down into my thigh that almost put me down. I, at first, got a little panic but then the light came on. I might be cycling out the phosphates today. Whoo Hoo! I can take it! I can take it!
I emailed Dr St. Amand's nurse this week with a list of my personal products to see why I wasn't having extra pain. I found out I was blocking for 11 days by using Cetaphil lotion which has a plant oil in it. (Most plant products in personal products will block the guaifenesin) She told me not to worry that I wasn't feeling extra pain. When I see Dr. St. Amand on February 26, his mapping of me will tell the real truth. He will be able to tell if my body is clearing out by the amount and feel of the fibro lumps. I can't wait!
One thing I should note is I have had a little extra energy since being on the guai. I still only have about four good hours each day but I am able to get quite a bit done in those hours. I am grateful for that! I am grateful for answered prayers. I am grateful for my very supporting family. They are all as excited about the possibility of my improvement as I am. Thank you family!

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